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Godex DT2X-DT4X Desktop Printer


The Godex DT2x/DT4x are simple, powerful and compact barcode printers perfect for utilising small spaces and support multiple communication ports. These printers are effective and great for multitask printing within Retail, Warehouses, Logistic & Transportation and for Healthcare labels and tags.


These printers have an enhanced label feeding mechanism and instant label detection. Within the warehouse and logistic & transportation industries these printer will produce shelf labels, product serial number labels, inventory management, shipping labels, pallet labels and carton labels. Within healthcare these printers are ideal for tube tags, pharmaceutical labels, patient identification, medical records and laboratory specimen tags and within retail these printers will produce price tags, content labels, jewellery labels, courier tracking labels, receipts for registered mails, bills of landing (B/L) and postage labels.

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